St John’s RC Academy, Perth (ages 3-18)
As a Catholic school, St John’s RC Academy has the responsibility of giving its pupils the experience of belonging to a Christian community and of developing spiritually.
Throughout their time at St John’s RC Academy, pupils receive the opportunity to grow in their faith, to become more knowledgeable about it and to develop a willingness to express it through practical activities.
The partnership between the school, the home and local parishes is central to this process. The Deanery of St Fillan covers an area of the Diocese of Dunkeld which is almost the same as the school’s secondary catchment area. The priests who visit St John’s RC Academy are Canon Tom Shields (Diocese’s representative on Perth & Kinross Lifelong Learning Committee) and Canon Steven Mulholland.
St John’s RC Academy is a caring community. It attempts to show what it means to live as a Christian with one’s fellow human beings. We seek to do this through the relationships which are formed, by the justice and integrity which prevail, by the care shown for the individual, by shared beliefs expressed in liturgical services and by the courses which make up the formal RE curriculum.
In primary, during most weeks there are school assemblies led by a member of the Senior Leadership Team. We feel that our assemblies are important occasions for the whole community of our primary to come together, to pray, to sing and to deepen our relationships with God. There are strong links with the local Parish Church, St John the Baptist RC Church. The pupils take part in the celebration of Mass once every two weeks as well as on important feast days. Parents are invited to join our assemblies throughout the school year.
In secondary, the work of the religious education department is organised by the principal teacher of religious education, Dr Robert Staines. He co-ordinates and guides the work of members of staff in teaching religious education. He is also a member of the school’s pastoral planning group which comprises of our chaplains and staff and pupil representatives. The pastoral planning group takes a lead in organising liturgy throughout the school year.
Contact: Mrs Marie-Claire Futamata, St John’s Academy, Gowans Terrace, Perth PH1 5BF
Tel: +44 (0)1738 454300
Our Lady’s Primary, Perth
Our Lady’s is part of the North Perth Integrated Community School initiative where we work closely within a multi-agency approach to achieve better outcomes for our young people. The school building is bright and spacious and there is a happy, caring and engaging ethos. At Our Lady’s we are committed to developing happy, responsible, caring children while encouraging self-respect, respect for others, self-discipline and independence. We aim to ensure all-round development of children not only physically and intellectually but also spiritually, emotionally, socially and morally through the awareness of the individual child’s needs and interests.
Our school serves the parish of Our Lady of Lourdes which is right next door to our school. The children attend Mass regularly and are very much involved in the Church community. Our Parish Priest, Fr Pletts, is a familiar face within our school.
Contact – Ms Lynne Mendes, Garth Avenue, Perth, Perthshire, PH1 2LG
Telephone: 01738 477570.
Further information is available from the Scottish Catholic Education Service.